Friends, in this session I share foundations of the strategy I’m recommending congregations implement to thrive in these times.

I also preview the training programs I’m rolling out to support you.
They include strategy and skill training in three primary areas:

• Video for ministry leaders
• Small group ministry
• Social media strategy

A few key points from this session

VIDEO SKILLS: Religious professions need to become highly proficient in creating and using video content in their ministry. That content, live and recorded, is the foundation of a DIGITAL FIRST ministry. That’s the context of our ministry with other gatherings to be integrated as we are able.

SMALL GROUPS: Small groups translate beautifully to an online Zoom meeting environment and are the first kind of groups that we’ll be able to phase in — small groups in controlled spaces with people we know.
If you plan to accomplished your ministry through small group ministry, you can knock it out of the park.

SOCIAL MEDIA: If ever we’ve needed to rock social media, now is the time. But not just random social media. We need to use it with integrity and purpose! I recommend using social media to deliver video content that engages people in the life of the congregation — worship and small groups – and expands the reach and impact of your ministry.

If you weave these three pillars together, I believe any congregation that was successful pre-covid19 can thrive in these times. If you didn’t have a strategy before COVID19 and social distancing, these strategies can serve you.

I’m launching three training programs corresponding to the areas.

First video, then small groups, then social media.

Much more to come shortly!
Subscribe here to training updates.

Go team!